Leona Jones (www.leonajones.co.uk)
cross-disciplinary practitioner with an approach centering on ><word><language><sound><noise><space>< WordsSoundsSpaces works across media using audio, field recordings and spatiality as well as text considers physicality, location and context as central in inter-relationships criss-crossing the wor[l]d
Siôn Dafydd Dawson (www.aderynstringquartet.com/)
musician equally happy playing acoustic and electric gigs with cello, baroque cello and guitar relishing the freedom of improvisation and the discipline of classical music working as a freelance musician commissioned luthier Adam Winskill to craft the Baroque cello at this project’s core
Laura Moy (www.lauramoy.co.uk)
Laban trained contemporary dancer of considerable agility, bravery and grace performer in numerous productions ranging through dance, physical theatre, improvisation and circus
Adam Winskill (rabtrust.org/alumni/adam-winskill/)
classically-trained violinist who discovered the challenging intricacies of violin making after graduating studying for another four years at Newark School of Violin Making led to current employment with a London-based fine instrument restorer
Jeff Chapman (www.vimeo.com/jeffchapman1)
experienced freelance camera operator/DoP well-respected for skill in lighting images used on the website are stills from videos filmed during the cello making unless otherwise stated
with support for Part II from:
cross-disciplinary practitioner with an approach centering on ><word><language><sound><noise><space>< WordsSoundsSpaces works across media using audio, field recordings and spatiality as well as text considers physicality, location and context as central in inter-relationships criss-crossing the wor[l]d
Siôn Dafydd Dawson (www.aderynstringquartet.com/)
musician equally happy playing acoustic and electric gigs with cello, baroque cello and guitar relishing the freedom of improvisation and the discipline of classical music working as a freelance musician commissioned luthier Adam Winskill to craft the Baroque cello at this project’s core
Laura Moy (www.lauramoy.co.uk)
Laban trained contemporary dancer of considerable agility, bravery and grace performer in numerous productions ranging through dance, physical theatre, improvisation and circus
Adam Winskill (rabtrust.org/alumni/adam-winskill/)
classically-trained violinist who discovered the challenging intricacies of violin making after graduating studying for another four years at Newark School of Violin Making led to current employment with a London-based fine instrument restorer
Jeff Chapman (www.vimeo.com/jeffchapman1)
experienced freelance camera operator/DoP well-respected for skill in lighting images used on the website are stills from videos filmed during the cello making unless otherwise stated
with support for Part II from:
and additional support from:
Tom Bromwell Events Manager at The Art Shop
Dave Dawson loan of audio equipment and audio installation
Lauren Aldridge arts administrator
Samuel Roberts soundfile mastering and technical advice
Tom Bromwell Events Manager at The Art Shop
Dave Dawson loan of audio equipment and audio installation
Lauren Aldridge arts administrator
Samuel Roberts soundfile mastering and technical advice
with support for Part I from:
and additional support from:
Dave Dawson loan of audio equipment and audio installation
Lauren Jury curator, arts administrator and independent producer
Samuel Roberts soundfile mastering and technical advice